Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summertime has disappeared....

The summer has disappeared!! My Maxwell is going to kindergarten in exactly one week. Marren is headed to her 2nd precious year of preschool. Mylee is talking in sentences and just had her 1st gymnastics program last week. I'm not sure how we've made it to August already. I have dreaded this month for 6 1/2 years....

Don't get me wrong...he's excited to go to Kindergarten. He's ready to ride the bus. He's ready to try the food in the lunchroom and he can't wait to play on the big playground. I, however, am NOT ready to send him off for the day...The school bus could pick him up as early as 7:30 am and he might be on the bus until 4:30 pm. Yikes. I know I'll get used to it. I know I'll love the time to clean house and to work and play with the girls.... but I don't think I'll love the time I spend away from him. Time has always been mine to manage and mine for me to fill for him. The day he was born I was SO relieved I had 6 years to NOT worry about him in a school...not under my watchful careful eye. Now here it is...6 days away and I can't handle it.

For now... We're going to go shuck sweetcorn and go for a quiet walk on our long driveway. And pretend nothing is going to change for the time being. Yikes... I thought I be better at this...

Sorry it's been such a quiet summer from me. I've been involved in several really great projects. I do have to brag about 1 project in particular.... I was the Entertainment Chairperson for the Nebraska Cattleman's Ball... We raised nearly $1 million dollars for cancer research. I can honestly say it was one of the most amazing things I have ever done...but I will NEVER do anything like it again. The time I donated was too precious. I worked on this project for nearly a YEAR...

Now...on to the sweetcorn and the walk.

Love to you all...


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